Thursday, March 31, 2011

Life is SO about relationships!

It is early morning, and there is so much to do before I graduate from Bethel College on April 30.!!!  Trying to keep it all together and stay focused!!!!   What a challenge!!!   I was thinking this morning about all of the relationships that have been a blessing to me throughout these past 6 years.  The relationships and memories are the glue that binds my brain cells to my heart cells.  The inner formation that has taken place through challenges, laughs, struggles, disappointments, discussions about faith, God, his Kingdom, heaven, hell, salvation... all of these things have come together to help form me into a better person.  And hopefully, someone who is more faithful and more in love with our Savior.  Someone who is better equipped to serve others, and Him.

I am thankful and indebted to so many people who have supported me throughout these years... mainly Rich and Amanda, who have tolerated the endless, endless, and I mean ENDLESS stacks of ministry and religious books everywhere!!!!


Here we are visiting Amanda while at Ball State

Here is one of my favorite, favorite pictures of relationship...especially little Bubba!

And here is a picture of Amanda that I just love....she is such a dear sweet JOY and blessing from God!!!

My best friend Jeannie has been an inspiration and the wind under my wings on so many occasions!  I truly love her, and praise God for her genuine spirit, and faith, and grounding, and what would I do without her in my life!

And this is Jeannie with her son Alex....

    And of course, Gary and Diana have been there through these years. 

Of course....our relationship with God.  The MAIN relationship.  (smile)  I think of my relationship with God, and my desire to work for Him, and serve him fully.

Yes, it is all about Relationship.... we will we choose to live out our relationships with others... how will we choose to live in our relationship with God, with God's Son, and the Holy Spirit...

There are many others that I have not pictured, but time is creeping by...and there will be more posts...

I have found that often these relationships flows automatically, but ultimately, on most days, it must be a decisive choice we make.  Relationships are a gift we give to others, and a gift we receive.  Grace.
