Monday, July 1, 2013

Day of New Beginnings

Well, today was a pretty huge day.  The first day as officially Pastor Bette. I started by going to Mishawaka First UMC, and dropping off all my keys.  About 8 keys for various rooms, and cleaned out the young adult room, by gathering the stuff that was mine.  All of the rooms hold a million good memories of ministry and good times.  There were also some difficult times that really tested my faith.  I sometimes think the word “bittersweet” is over used lately.  But that is exactly what I felt.  It is just like one of the scenes in "You've Got Mail" when Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) is closing up the shop and "sees" memories of herself as a child dancing with her mother.  I can feel the memories of the joys of ministry dripping all over the walls of the rooms in each part of the church building.  The thought kept coming back to me throughout the day, repeatedly feeling a sense of loss - I have different keys on my key chain now.

Everyone at BCP was so good to me today.  Especially Conrad in helping explain the worship order.  Tomorrow will be the first time I am officiating at a funeral.  So many people have helped me prepare for this.  So glad for the advice and love.

I am going to enjoy working with Robin a lot.  She is so helpful.  A new copier came today.  I met with Peter and Conrad, then with Peter, Conrad, the staff and some volunteers, and Pat S. was there. I brought donuts and some Martin’s big muffins. I have my laptop set up now for the wifi, and for printing to the new copier.  Got my keys, learned the code for the door.  Walked around the church building to get a "sense" of my new ministry space.  I like it, and can feel that God will provide what is needed.  I spoke on the phone with Donna at the funeral home.  Diana’s sister Sharon asked to have “The Old Rugged Cross” played at Diana’s memorial service, but could not get much more from the family about her, but have some things to share tomorrow-especially about how she loved her grandchildren. Sara asked Conrad to speak at the service.  He will share a little about Diana’s involvement with the AIDS Ministries- Sara and the others gave me permission to talk about this during her service, so Conrad can speak since he knows a little more.  So I am finishing up my words for tomorrow, and feeling better about everything.  There is so much to learn, but I really enjoyed today.  I spoke to Meara, and I have her cell phone plugged in so I can call her after the interment is finished.  I have Diana’s middle name and know how to pronounce her name. 

Will finish up the sermon part of the funeral service tonight. I don’t know if anyone will need it, but printed a map for people to get from the cemetery back to Broadway for the lunch, being careful to keep them out of the construction area near Notre Dame.  

I met Yolanda from Ivy Tech as I was leaving the church today, she will come back later next week. 
She likes the community garden.    

Sorry – this is surely more than I expected to write.  God has blessed the socks off me, and I am filled with anticipation, gut-wrenching fear, incredible joy, loss, excitement, honor, deep humility and  grace.  Triple-dunked with the grace of God. Falling on my face in awe, and so excited to be part of this plan he has for me.  Eager to serve others, and eager to love and lead.    

Oh! I have rambled!!  It was a big day.


Monday, April 8, 2013

It's a funny thing... I look at my blog posts and there is a serious lacking here.  I have many thoughts where I think, "Wow, I will write about this on my blog..." but it has been so hectic since starting seminary.  My posts are sporadic - but this is what it is.  I read blogs from some of my colleagues in seminary, and they are creative, fresh, and wonderfully written.  Maybe this has given me some reason to write more.  But, I have a paper to write, scripture passages to memorize, and I am filling in to preach for another pastor this Sunday, and have to "polish it up" so I can deliver it in a way that honors God.

So, what follows is a post I put on Facebook back in February:

Early this morning, all was quiet outside as I was taking the trash to the curb, I was amazed with many little footprints in the snow! During the day it is usually these cute bird prints, but there were raccoon, rabbit and kitty prints this morning. Much activity during the night! They all leave an impression for me, as I wonder what they were doing while we slept. I ask myself what kind of impression do I leave for others as I walk through life? What do my footprints say? 

I am going to be intentional in the way I consider these things today and in future days.