Wednesday, October 19, 2011

On the Road to Garrett

So I am a seminarian.  These words still sound foreign to me.  This is my first semester at Garrett, and I commute each Thursday, as I travel 115 miles from my hometown near South Bend, Indiana, and then after my class, I pack it all up and travel the same distance home again.

As I journey along this road each week, I am ever amazed at the spiritual insights that the Holy Spirit brings to mind.

I am immersed in the wonder of being part of the traveling “community” of vehicles. In the afternoon, I am driving at a steady, yet hurried speed along Lake Shore Drive, gazing at the beauty of Lake Michigan, while maneuvering through the lanes of traffic.  

At night, driving on the Dan Ryan towards home, I feel like a tiny red blood cell in the sea of red lights, flowing along the expressway.  Flowing towards my destination - home.

On my drive home, there is a certain spot on the expressway, where I look up and see the wondrous beauty of the city – with lights glowing in the tall buildings, and against the black night sky it looms over me in my little car with magnificence.  The image takes my breath away every time, and it reminds me of the glory and grandness of God’s call on my life.  There is purpose in what I am doing at Garrett.  I am being strengthened and prepared to join the ranks of pastoral caregivers that offer grace and leadership to Christ’s Church.  I cannot gaze for long, since steady focus is necessary for me to make it to my destination.  I must be looking forward, paying attention to the right, left and behind for obstacles.    I am a particle in the flow of something much bigger than myself, and it is exhilarating. 


As the chaos of the traffic and sights whistle past me, I sense a steadiness, a stillness in the car, and in my soul – the presence of God is with me, and he guides me with assurance and comfort.

But, I believe it is all about finding a balance between “good sounds” and “no sound”.

On the way to Garrett, sometimes I listen and sing out loud in my car to worship music.   At times I am led to just turn off the radio or CD, and drive in silence, talking with God out loud in my car, or just enjoying His presence, while meditating or listening to what He might be wanting me to know.

On the way home, however, it is quite different.  Fueled up by the wonderful energy and thoughts of my Intro to Pastoral Care class, many miles are spent pondering what we talked about, and many challenging thoughts of that evening come to mind. It is late, and I have my coffee, and it is here that the louder and faster the music, and the more noise for me the better.  My favorite radio station plays the old rock classics, and the loud beat keeps my mind alert. The drivers in Chicago are very different than the drivers in South Bend, so I need to pay attention. 

I am sensing, as my weekly drive continues to become more of a routine, a challenge to devote this five-hour block of time to these two question:  “How can I honor God and remain faithful to Jesus on the journey?  How can I be faithful and use these hours to their fullest benefit?”  I am looking forward to new discoveries in this area.

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